|Masaryk University
ICCP 2019
Register here for 2019 ICCP Congress
2019年6月27日 16:00
Masaryk University, Žerotínovo nám. 617/9, 601 77 Brno-Brno-střed, Chequia
To register for Pre-conference workshop, select that event additionally. Each Pre-conference workshop session is $50. You can select one or two from the Pre-conference Program. Each workshop will be offered twice from 9:30 am -11 am and 11:30 am - 1:00 pm. If you want to attend both, select 2 quantities for "Pre-Conference."
Professional-Full Fee
This is the full fee for professionals. The early bird registration ended on 4/30/19.
US$375.00銷售已完結Student-Full Fee
US$280.00銷售已完結Pre-Conference Dialogue
To register for Pre-conference workshop, select that event additionally. Each Pre-conference workshop session is $50. You can select one or two from the Pre-conference Program. Each workshop will be offered twice from 9:30 am -11 am and 11:30 am - 1:00 pm. If you want to attend both, select 2 quantities for "Pre-Conference."
For family member or a friend who is accompanying you to the conference, & would like to join us for the receptions (Thursday & Saturday) and lunches (Friday & Saturday).
US$100.00銷售已完結Partial time and one day
Partial time volunteers and translators. Only one day participants.
Please register to help us manage our participant list (though you will not need to pay at checkout). If you are a fully comped volunteer & want to attend one of the pre-conference workshops, please do add that to your $50/session. Thanks!