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Harlene Anderson invitation:



Given the history of the conference and the multilinguality of our community, even though the main language in the conference will be English, we would like to make the conference accessible to the 5 main languages represented in our community: Spanish, Chinese, Mandarin, Czech, and Portuguese.

In the spirit of collaboration, we would like to invite dialogues spaces, posters, and conversation starters in a variety of languages.  And, in an attempt to make everyone’s work accessible to all participants, we are hoping to work as a community to provide translation, where needed.  In the past, we have had volunteers offer to translate sessions.  We have also had those who speak a common language organize themselves in close proximity of each other so that one member of the group can “whisper translate" the speaker.  We welcome your ideas for making this congress as open and accessible to all participants, regardless of language.  Please offer your ideas.  Also, if you are willing to translate one or more sessions (in a formal or informal manner), please let us know.  We know that by working together, we can have a rich and generative sharing of ideas and practices.


Given the composition of the ICCP and the history of this Conference that started as a multilingual LatinoAmerican Conference in Brasil in 2015, we are working on the possibility of providing a sequential translation into Spanish in all plenaries and large workshops. This time allows the space to provide whispering translation in small groups to other languages fostering collaboration among all groups.


Dear Friends


Welcome to the ICCP 2019 Conference in Brno Czech Republic, we would like to make your visit to Brno as pleasant and interesting as possible. The organization of this gathering has been very carefully crafted for many months by a group of dedicated colleagues. We would like to create together with each one of you a caring learning community with a sense of participation and belonging.


Collaborative Concierges

The collaborative concierges are a group of colleagues who will be available through out the conference looking out for your personal and relational needs. We will have a space that you can visit if you need information or just want to hang out. You can identify us by the white aprons.

Come visit our table it will be full of friendly smiles, information and surprises.

The Concierges are: Marilene ( Brasil, Portuguese), Ñeca and Sylvia (México, Spanish-English) Diana, Josie, (USA. English)  Richard,  (USA-Ecuador English-Spanish) Nelly and Roxana (Perú, Spanish and English) , Andy,  (China, Chinese and English) Premysl (Czech Republic Czech and English) –


Concierges Colaborativos

Somos un grupo de colegas interesados en tu bienestar personal y relacional Sí tienes dudas, necesitas información, quieres conversar ó solo pasar un buen rato lleno de sonrisas y sorpresas, acércate a nosotros, estaremos en una mesa en algún lugar de la universidad.

Nos puedes  identificar por los delantales blancos con el logo del congreso.


Marilene ( Brasil, Portugués), Ñeca and Sylvia (México, Español-English) Diana, Josie, ,  (USA. English)  Richard (USA, Ecuador, English-Español)  Nelly and Roxana (Perú, Español- English) , Andy,  (China, Chinese and English) Premysl (Czech Republic Czech and English) .

Language/ Translation and Interpretation


We are a multinational multilingual learning community. We are doing our best to make this conference friendly to English, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech and Chinese.  In your nametags you will find colored strips that will orient everyone regarding the languages you speak:

Blue: English

Red: Spanish

Green: Portuguese

Purple: Czech

Yellow: Chinese

We used the information you sent on the registration survey. If there are languages missing in your nametag or they are not accurate please approach the collaborative concierge table for adjustments.


Volunteer translators

There are volunteer translators to all these languages. Our volunteers are available to help out with translation during plenaries, workshops and informal conversations. Each one of us can become a collaborative concierge (host) by helping out when needed.


Plenaries and Conversation with

All the plenaries will be in English with sequential translation into Spanish, while the translation is going on there will be whispering translation to other languages. If you need translation, please sit in the area of the auditorium mark with the language you speak.


Translation and interpretation during the conference

During each slot, the program committee chose to offer workshops in different languages. Most presentations are in English, presentations in other languages, (marked in the program), will be translated into English.

For translations into other languages, please contact the language delegate.

Each language team will organize itself to support each other in preparing, presentations and choosing workshops to translate by whispering translation.

The delegates for each language are:







Adriana: and Sylvia:

Please feel free to contact the Language committee with questions and requests

See you in Brno

Sylvia and Adriana

The registration fee includes lunches on Friday and Saturday, and receptions on Thursday and Saturday



  • Professional-Early Bird: $275

  • Student*-Early Bird: $180


FULL REGISTRATION FEE (after April 30, 2019)

  • Professional-Full: $375

  • Student*-Full: $280


Student status is for any ICCP current student or a student attending college or university for an undergraduate or graduate degree.

If you gather a group of 10 participants from your school or training program or an organization to come to the Congress, your group can get 10% off per participant for the conference registration fee (doesn't apply to pre-conference workshops).

If you need translation into Spanish, Portuguese, Mandarin, Czech or Chinese with the registration process, please email and we will set you up with a translator. 

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